Saturday, January 31, 2009

Nothing But The Best, Thanks Frederick!

Frederick, a very very nice friend of mine who never forget my birthday and post birthday present to me from the US every year. A true friend, isn't he? LOL. Every year, this nice friend asks me what's my desirable present and my answer always is "something that called as surprise". LOL. :) Well, let's see what "surprise" has he sent me this year. Ding ding! A Frank Sinatra's limited editon album! LOL

It's really a big surprise, for me! LOL. All my friends know that I love jazz music so much! (I mean all friends that very close to me of course. Haha.) So, I really find the CD likeable and love it so much! What can I say about Frank Sinatra? He's just awesome and his songs are super duple great! If you love jazz, if you fancy jazz, just like I do, must listen to Frank Sinatra's! LOL

There are many nice songs of Frank Sinatra. Fly Me To The Moon(In Other Words) and Strangers In The Night are my favourites and I think all jazz fanatics are gonna like them and enjoy them! Haha... :)

P.S. Hey Fred, my "bestest friend", if you can see this, just wanna say thank you very much! Merci beaucoup!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


上个学期,专业语言这门课教会了我,做广告,KISS很重要,因为广告就是要 "keep it short and sweet",简称 KISS 。是的,广告不能够太长,因为一来消费者不能够一下子接收太多的讯息,二来成本也会很高。然而一个短短的广告是否能够完全地传达讯息给消费者,并给消费者留下深刻印象,就得看这个广告有没有很好地 "kiss" 了。

这个学期,很巧的,Psycholinguistics 的教授也给我们讲了一个关于 kiss 的故事。话说有一个大人物,在台上致词的时候,他的太太要求他的秘书给他传达了一个简短的信息。太太在纸上写了 "kiss", 而秘书也把纸条拿到台上去递给了这位大人物。大人物致完词后,下了台,秘书就对他说:“X先生,你的太太真的很 sweet, 你在台上致词她也要给你送上一个 kiss。” 这个时候大人物说:“你不了解我的太太,她是说“keep it short, stupid!"”

作为一个辩论员的我在想,辩论也可以来一个KISS, 尤其是在自由辩的时候,keep it short and sharp!